Pembury History

Articles Archive

Articles & Email Responses

You are now at the home for any articles on the history of Pembury.  It is hoped that we can recycle some of the valuable gems already written and present them here for a long term exposure.  Much has been written in the Pembury Village News (PVN) over the years.  It has been read and then lost by virtue of its appearance in a periodical.  It is possible to trawl through the online archive of PVNs but there is no index and it’s pretty tough going. The enlightened writings of Hugh Boorman, Kathryn Franklin, Janet Ditchett and many others can now be saved from an eternity of collecting dust in a cyberspace vault.  We now have the ability to provide a link from this page to any of the PVN articles held in the vaults.  We now need to develop an index or a list of the articles of a historic nature.

Anyone wishing to contribute to this section of the web site should see the boring, technical requirements at the bottom of this page.

The layout and presentation format is still in its infancy here, and may well change when more content becomes available.

The following table contains access to some of the archived articles and some new material previously unpublished.  Click the link at the Index No & Issue No to gain access.

For contribution of articles please contact Tony Nicholls  – 

Notes on Image Quality

Link to PVN Archive Page

 Ref No  Author, Title, Description & Index No
 001  Pembury in the Past     001.1    PVN No 85 Spring 1996

Pembury Road Names – Henry Plant
Old Village Yarns – Hughie Boorman

Pembury in the Past    001.2   PVN No 84  Winter 1995

Pembury Road Names – Henry Plant     Memory Lane – Henry Plant
A Drover – A. Farmer
Old Village Yarns – Hughie Boorman

 002  Richard Snow’s Articles on Pembury’s War Heroes

Pembury’s own Victoria Cross Holder  Part 1  002.1   PVN No 141  Spring 2010
Pembury’s own Victoria Cross Holder  Part 2  002.2   PVN No 142  Summer 2010

We Will Remember Them   Part 1        002.3   PVN No 145  Spring 2011
We Will Remember Them   Part 2        002.4   PVN No 146  Summer 2011
We Will Remember Them   Part 3        002.5   PVN No 147  Autumn 2011
We Will Remember Them   Part 4        002.6   PVN No 148  Winter 2011
We Will Remember Them   Part 5        002.7   PVN No 149  Spring 2012
We Will Remember Them   Part 6        002.8   PVN No 153  Spring 2013
We Will Remember Them   Part 7        002.9   PVN No 156  Winter 2013

Shot Down Over Pembury   Part 1        002.10   PVN No 161  Spring 2015
Shot Down Over Pembury   Part 2        002.11   PVN No 162  Summer 2015
Shot Down Over Pembury   Part 3        002.12   PVN No 163  Autumn 2015

 003  Kathryn Franklin     Miscellaneous Subjects

Pembury, The Early Days 003.1    PVN No 143 Autumn 2010   Page 15

Woodsgate Vs Woodgate 003.2    PVN No 147 Autumn 2011   Page 29

Changing Face of the Road System in Pembury 003.3    PVN No 140 Winter 2009     Page 27

The Hastings Road by CG Harper Publ 1906 003.4    PVN No 146 Summer 2011  Page 15

The Recreation Ground 003.5    PVN No 155 Autumn 2013  Page 17

Copping Crouch Green 003.6    PVN No 157 Spring 2014  Page 11

The Old Coach Road 003.7   PVN No 143 Autumn 2010 Page 20

004  Hugh Boorman       Miscellaneous Subjects

The Old Coach Road 004.1    PVN No 143 Autumn 2010    Page 20

The Old Coach Road 004.2    PVN No 145 Spring 2011      Page 7

Textus Roffensis – The Beginning 004.3    PVN No 154 Summer 2013  Page 22

Woodsgate Swimming Pool 004.4    PVN No 153 Spring 2013      Page 7

In the Beginning 004.5    PVN No 153 Spring 2013      Page 11

St Peter’s Old Church 004.6    PVN No 140 Winter 2009      Page 21

How Things Have Changed 004.7   PVN No 164 Winter 2015    Page 29


005  Pembury Parish Guide 1966    Donated by Martin Petch

Published by The Parish Council and distributed free to all households

Forward by R.L. Fagg    (005.1)
Our Parish of Pembury  by R.L. Flag    (005.2)
Excerpts from Pembury’s History by Jack Standen    (005.3)
Parish Map –    Small Size  (800KB)       Large Size  (5.8MB)

 006  Margaret Pettitt

A Memorial’s Tale             006.1    PVN No 151 Autumn 2012   Page 36

 007  Janet Ditchett

WI Scrapbook of 1965               007.1    PVN No 150 Summer 2012   Page 27
Pembury in 1965 – Houses       007.2    PVN No 147 Autumn 2011   Page 19

008  P. Reed & R. Resch

Pembury Special Constables      008.1   PVN No 148 Winter 2011   Page 16
Pembury Special Constables      008.2   PVN No 149 Spring 2012   Page 29

009  S. Rose

Woodsgate Nightclub        009.1   PVN No 153 Spring 2013   Page 7

010  Richard Snow

Baptist, Philanthropist and Entrepreneur (S.M. Peto)    010.1    PVN No 154 Summer 2013   Page 34

011  Kevin Edser

Margery Polley, Martyr       011.1   PVN No 140 Winter 2009   Page 31

012  Pembury in the Past (VPN Editorial Staff)

WI photograph of 1965       012.1    PVN No 140 Winter 2009   Page 28

013  Mick Pattenden

Memoirs of Notcutts and earlier          013.1     The Oxo Tin 1957 – 1997
Written in 1997 by Mick Pattenden.     Retained and retrieved in 2013 by Carol Watson.
Article featuring Mick Pattenden in  PVN No 90, Page 6

 014  Ken Isaac

Memories from the 1960s     014.1     Pembury in the 1960s        PVN No 157 Spring 2014  Page 29
Inspired by finding the Pembury History web site.      Ken now lives in Hampshire.

 015  John Colbran New Guide for Tunbridge Wells 1840

This is an extract for describing Pembury –  pages 202 to 206

016  Jane Mulvihill  (nee Bateson)

Memories of Pembury in the 1960s     016.1   Pembury in the 1960s
Inspired by finding the Pembury History web site.        Jane now lives in Manchester.

017  John Evans ( Working with Pembury U3A)

Notes on Kent College 017.1 Kent College

Tonbridge Workhouse 1909 017.2 Extract from Tunbridge Wells in 1909 – 2008

WW1 Hospitals 017.3 Extract from The Shock of War – 2014

WW1 VAD (Voluntary Aid) 017.4 Extract from The Shock of War – 2014

Lodgers at Bayham Abbey 017.5 Lodgers at Bayham Abbey

Camden Lineage 017.6 Camden Lineage
018  Peter Lush    The Dower House      018.1  Dower House
019  Edward Gilbert

Harry Burgess 019.1  Harry Burgess – Pembury Stamp Dealer 

Woodsgate Pool 019.2   Woodsgate Pool

History of Brackenston 019.3  History of Brackenston

Stone Court 019.4  Stone Court Brick & Tile Company

Oakleigh Estate 019.5  History of Oakleigh Estate

Pembury Grange 019.6  Pembury Grange

Jean Mary Checksfield 019.7  Nurse Jean Checksfield  and Pembury Hospital

John Thomas Betts 019.8   John Thomas Betts of Pembury

Baggesen 019.9 The Baggesen Nursery at Pembury

Revd A H Courthope 019.10 Revd Arthur Henry Courthope of Pembury

These are articles from Ed Gilbert’s Tunbridge Wells web site
They are shown for the Pembury content and with his permission.

020  Sam Baldock    St Peter's Church Organ      020.1  The History of the Organ at St Peters Pembury Upper Church
021  Mary Standen Audio Files      A series of audio files digitally copied from c60/C90 audio cassettes.

..  Various links to articles & publications on the roads & infrastructure around Pembury.
..  Many of these are plans & proposals for road widening schemes and other infrastructure issues.
..  Some of these may be modern, but will in a very short time, look historic.
. . 

2014  Longfield Road improvements and widening   (KCC)

2013  North Farm Road Improvements – Unlocking the Pinch Points  (KCC)

2013  Knights Park exhibition boards – the development of Knights Park  (KP)

2010  A21 Alternative Routes for the Pembury dual carriageway  (HA)

2009  A21 Tonbridge to Pembury improvements  (HA)

2004  Highways Agency Newsletter – A21 Dualling between Pembury & Tonbridge

.HA – Highways Agency    KCC – Kent County Council   KP – Knights Park / Dandara

Link to     Pembury Village News Archive


Now the boring, technical bit –  anyone wishing to contribute to this section of the web site has several options.

New or previously unpublished pieces should be saved in PDF format.  This is the default format for all public accessible documents and is universally recognised by all computer systems.  Any decent word processing program should be able to save in this format.  You should be able to retrieve old computer documents in Flintstone format and re-save them in PDF.

To check your word processor’s ability to create a PDF file try the Save As option and look for the PDF (Portable Document Format) option.  There are many freestanding applications, and free online services, that offer a conversion from common word processor files to PDF files.

Should your article come from an old issue of the Pembury Village News (PVN) you have a few more options –

1 – You may wish to supply a fresh copy in PDF format that has updates and new information.  You may wish to combine several articles into one.   You may have had important content removed during the edit for publication process, and may wish to re-install your lost paragraphs.  You may just wish to have a freestanding article, with no adverts and other periodical clutter.  Please convert your original article from its native format to PDF.

2 – You may wish to have a link to the archive copy of the PVN at the correct page.  Please supply all the relevant details of Author, Title, Issue number, year and Page number.  We will provide the link to the PVN archive.

3 – The article may not be in an archived PVN –   some are not.   This will require a scan or image copy in PGN or GIF format.  Please supply all the relevant details of Author, Title, Issue number, year and Page number for index purposes.

Some of the PDF pages shown here have been extracted from PVN archive files, and as such show whole pages, including adverts, printer’s margins and anything else sharing that page.  It is preferable to produce a fresh PDF page from source material rather than rely on an extraction from an archive. This web site has no editorial control over your article’s content.

For some ancient articles we will accept a high quality scan or photograph, but it MUST be in PGN or GIF format. We may not accept JPG format as it is very poor at conveying text and fine line detail. We may refuse the offer if the quality is poor.

Articles from an author on a common topic will be listed under one reference number  XXX.  The individual articles will be numbered XXX.1, XXX.2 … in chronological order of publication.  See Ref No 002 as an example.   If this author launches into a different topic it will be given a new Reference Number further down the table.   This structure will ease the ability to reference articles by Topic Ref No XXX or Article Index No XXX.x

For contribution of articles, or clarification on any of the above notes, please contact Tony Nicholls  –


Tony Nicholls   2013

Articles Archive
Pembury History

IMPORTANT !!!     This needs your help.  All contributions will be credited.  If you have any further information or corrections please contact me –
Tony Nicholls      email: