Pembury History

Localities - Brick and Tile Works

The industrial north of Pembury has been a bit of a mystery to a lot of people, and in examining the old maps it’s not surprising. The industrial site shifted over the years as new buildings were erected, demolished and further erected.  They were also chasing limited deposits of clay.

The following old maps have been augmented with the presence of the industrial areas.  The very last map shows today’s street plan and a set of markers that can be referenced to the older maps.  This will help understand where the old sites were in relation to today’s topography.

They are all to roughly the same size and scale.


Above – 1868 map



Above – 1897 map



Above –  1909 map    ( hoping to get full size map later )




Above –  1936 map




Above – 2010 map

The shape and junctions of Lower Green Road are quite consistent on all maps.

The following markers can be identified on some, but not all of the old maps.

A    Triangulation survey point.

B    Royal Oak Inn

C   Queen’s Folly house.

D   Lower Green Post Office

E   Corner of Field

F   Corner of Field

G   Corner of Field

H   Corner of Field

J   Corner of Field

K   Corner of Field

L   Corner of Field

M   Corner of Field

N   Corner of Field – A change in direction of the boundary line

O   Junction of industrial perimeter and Lower Green Road

P   Pond

Q   Corner of industrial perimeter in 1897 map.

R   Projection of line from point Q to the rear corner of the Royal Oak plot.

S   Approximate location of   Stone Court / Pembury Court on early maps

T   The approximate location of a unique kink in the field contour in the early maps.

These are all approximate reference points.

Blank Line



A part of the Tithe Map of 1840 prior to the brick and tile works showing the area north of Lower Green.

Orientation is North to the top-right.




 Above and below –  1940 aerial photos of the brickworks area


Above:  Postcard of the Tile & Brickworks  donated by Graham Chantler.


Above: an article from The Courier of 1905 discovered by Jane Grooms.

It is partially about the Brickworks, but also relates to the Baptist Church and the Dickenson Family


Tony Nicholls   2013, updated 2018

Pembury History

IMPORTANT !!!     This needs your help.  All contributions will be credited.  If you have any further information or corrections please contact me –
Tony Nicholls      email: