Reference CDs

Since this page was originally produced, nobody now uses CDs.  These files will now be sent on a USB memory stick.

Ref:  CD001

Britannia Depicta
The road maps and county maps of Owen-Bowen, with Title pages and explanation pages.
Covering England & Wales in 273 maps.
Two editions (1720 and 1759 ) on the same device.
High quality images scanned at 300dpi, fully indexed.
£20.00    (+P&P)    Not discounted if sold alone.

£15.00  if ordered with maps greater than £30.00

Ref:  CD002

Misc Sets:
John Cary's London Environs (1786 edition)  50 maps covering 15 miles around London.
John Cary's London Environs (1800 edition)  50 maps covering 15 miles around London.
Gray's Roads - English county maps of 1824 by George Carrington Gray.  ( 46 maps )
Capper's British Isles - English Counties, British Isles, Wales, Scotland & Ireland in 1808

Leigh's Atlas of England & Wales - 1837    ( 55 maps )
Starling's World Atlas -  Thomas Starling's Atlas of 1834  ( 70 maps )
High quality images scanned at 300dpi, fully indexed.
£20.00    (+P&P)      Not discounted if sold alone

£15.00  if ordered with maps greater than £30.00

Both sets CD001 + CD002  for £30 (+P&P)    Not discounted if sold alone

£22.00  if ordered with maps greater than £30.00

The small print:

They have auto-run facilities with linked menu and image indexing.
The presentation and zoom facilities will vary with different browsers.
The image rendering will be conditioned by the brightness, contrast and colour settings of the local display monitor.
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